Student Jury considers your ideas

Friday 17-02-2017 - 12:54
Palm oil

A Student Jury met this week to decide whether we should implement two student ideas submitted via our website.

We hold Jury events every term, giving randomly-selected students the opportunity to decide whether the union should implement ideas that have been sent in.

Evidence is presented to Jury members to help them make their decisions, and consensus must be reached in order for decisions to be made. If a Jury can't reach agreement, ideas go forward to an all-student vote.

This term, two student ideas were discussed by a group of 14 students.

‘Reduce the Number of Products in Central using Palm Oil’

The jurors discussed the issues and impacts of palm oil extensively but agreed that Central (the students' union-run on campus convenience store) was restricted in what it could do, given the extent of palm oil usage in products. They were satisfied that Central uses suppliers who aim to source sustainable palm oil (pictured). They also felt that Central acting alone on the issue might have a financial impact on the students' union, and the impact would be greater by extending it to other commercial outlets on campus. The jury agreed that the union should: audit their stock and ensure their suppliers are sourcing sustainable palm oil products; communicate with members about why they source sustainable palm oil products, and more generally about issues with palm oil; and lobby the University to ensure their suppliers are using sustainable palm oil only.

‘Solidarity with Venezuela’s College Students’

The jury debated the role of the students’ union in international issues and the impact that actions taken by the union could have. They agreed that action should taken by national bodies better able to act on international issues, including Amnesty International, British Youth Parliament and the NUS. The jury also raised questions around the values of the union, and how the union acted on these values. The jury agreed that the students' union should: submit a motion to NUS National Conference; ensure that Venezuelan students on campus are aware of support systems in place for them; and ensure that the students’ union values are clear to members and direct the activity of Officers.

Your ideas

If you've got an idea for something you think the union should doing - whether it's a small change or a massive project - submit it online via our Ideas page.



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